29 augustus 2013

An artist loft

Simple and beautiful. The way I like my interiors! :)

via Emmas

27 augustus 2013

Let's move to Berlin!

Bright and airy. That's how I would summarize below Berlin home. It's the work of German Karhard studio who renovated two apartments and converted them into one cosy home. Although spare and white, they weren't afraid to use a few colours (but non-conventional colour combos!) throughout the home. 
I especially dig their whitewashed floors.

25 augustus 2013


Because everybody loves a good babypicture!

But don't worry, this will not change into a babyblog anytime soon. :)
From next week on, back on full force with lots of fresh inspiration!

12 augustus 2013

In love

The reason I haven't posted last week can be found here below.
Yes, Studio8940 has a successor. Today, our little boy Finn was born. I hope he shares the good taste of his father. So excuse for being offline for a few more days, I have to fall in love with a boy ...

De reden waarom ik de laatste week nog niet heb gepost kan je hieronder vinden ...
Yep, Studio8940 heeft een opvolger! Ons zoontje, Finn, werd vandaag geboren. Ik hoop dat hij alvast de goede smaak van zijn papa meeheeft ;). Dus, mijn excuses voor mijn afwezigheid de komende dagen, maar ik heb last van vlinders in mijn buik.

5 augustus 2013

Back to work!

OH NO! Holidays are over ... back to work. No more lazy monday, tuesday, wednesdays ... No more cocktails at home ... No more staying in your pyjamas all day long ... Therefore, a work-related blogpost today to get back in the mood!

via Pinterest